Earn a great living as a coach or consultant

The Six-Figure Revenue Group Coaching builds your coaching and consulting business – to six figures and beyond.

Stop The Confusion!

Growing your coach-consultant business does not have to be so hard.

 Coaches and consultants guide clients to clarity.

Yet when it comes to their own businesses, too many coaches lack clarity. They struggle to reach their potential. 

Trying to put together tips and training from different sources only leads to confusion. Do you:

  • Struggle to explain your business?
  • Have a hard time selling your services?
  • Experience revenue ups and downs?
  • Feel frustrated balancing all your business activities?

At Bright Brand, we believe coaches and consultants should succeed in doing the work they were born to do.

To grow your coaching business to six figures and beyond, you need a duplicable plan and the guidance of an expert who knows.

The solution:

The Six Figure Revenue Group for Coaches and Consultants.

Twice per month, participate in a Zoom call with others like you who are also on a quest to their six-figure business.

With the Six Figure Revenue Map and Julie Stroud as your guide, you’ll cover 10 essential steps, including:

  • Clarifying your business and your offerings
  • Marketing your business
  • Closing clients
  • Perfecting your practices.

… and more.

For the price of two lunches out, you can join other ambitious coaches and consultants who are committed to their Six-Figure success.

This group meets twice a month for instruction and inspiration, guidance and accountability. 

Reach your goals faster with The Six Figure Revenue Group Coaching.

I'm A Coach Too.

I created the Six-Figure Revenue Map for me.

It worked. now I’m sharing it with you.

The Six Figure Revenue Map takes you to the top.

You’ll learn and implement what it takes for a healthy and growing business.



Define your marketing message and coaching offer. From there, you’ll learn to nail discovery calls, land contracts, and fill your calendar with private and group clients.


Build upon your authority. You’ll learn to create multiple offerings from your content such as classes and downloadables. Scale-up and serve more people. 


Lead a movement. You’ll learn to create an ecosystem of products and services based upon the customer transformation your brand promises. 

Get your Six-Figure Revenue Map.

Discover the business-building steps and marketing strategy to build a thriving coaching and consulting business. Then follow the plan so you can reach more clients and earn a good living at the same time.

Get ready to take your coaching-consulting business to the next level.

Don't take it from us, hear from a recent client!

Carol A. Wheeler - NopaLeadership

“As I launch a new leadership training and coaching business, it has been helpful to work with Julie. While I have experience and education in my subject matter, I don’t think I would have dug so deeply to come up with the right words to describe my business. It would have taken me months to do that on my own. Even more than the business formation and messaging work, she helped my think bigger and more long-range about my business.”

Earn what you deserve and make your greatest impact.

Start your six-figure revenue journey today.

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